I want to start posting weekly updates of meals I’ve been making for myself/for my husband to help provide some meal prep ideas for my clients or anyone else who might be interested.
This week I’ve changed up my breakfast for probably the first time in well over a year:
1-2 slices of sourdough bread (depending on hunger/how big the slices are)
150g egg whites (yes, you can eat the yolks, I just don’t really like them)
1 slice cheddar cheese
80g red bell pepper
EBTB seasoning to taste
*as far as type of bread, I try and looking for something with as minimal added ingredients as possible or just make my own. The one I’ve been eating this week is from a grocery store called Fresh Thyme and the ingredients are flour, yeast, water and salt.
Something else I tried this week is making my own granola. I’ve been searching for a granola to add to yogurt or smoothies that’s not loaded with a bunch of added sugar or sugar alcohols. Turns out options are limited so I made my own using rolled oats, coconut, coconut oil, local honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chia seeds. DM me for an exact recipe!
Lastly, I have NEVER liked chicken thighs until we tried this: we (aka JP b/c I refuse to touch raw chicken) put chicken thighs on the smoker with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, and a drizzle of olive oil. When they got to 165° he wrapped them in foil and drizzled balsamic vinegar over them and cooked them until they got to 205° and could easily shred with a fork. SO GOOD.
1 cup cooked Jasmine rice
Cherry tomatoes
4oz of the chicken
Another splash of balsamic vinegar
*if you don’t have a smoker, I think you could get a similar result grilling or searing the chicken on a pan the chicken until crispy and then throwing it in the crockpot or keeping it in foil in the oven at 250* until tender and able to pull apart with a fork.
Let me know if you try any of these meals or something similar !